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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wu Zun Said "One Night Stand is OK!" NO GIRLFRIEND 9YR! 餵飽吳尊 搞一夜情OK啦! 吳尊9年沒交女友,發出單身!

Wu Zun did not have girlfriend for 9 years, stated his single view, able to accept one night stand, but the condition is that you must feed him full with food! He jokingly said, "Should be tired after meal ba!" changing sexual desire to appetite, no time to date!Never date for 9 years, denies all rumorsDidn't date for 9 years, Wu Zun denies Ella, Angela and "ZunSa romance", when in Philippines to promote GTV's "Romantic Princess", Wu Zun said, "Really don't have, I don't know how many times I have said it, everytime I said 'no', no one believes!" Before making a debut, he manages a fitness centre, and spent about 20 hours a day in it, hence he have no time for relationships, after becoming a celebrity, the management company did not object to him dating, Wu Zun said, "It will still have to depend if I have anyone in mind, still not sure!"In the Philippines promotion, the host and media were curious about his love life, during a game, when they mentioned the word 'Woman', Calvin thought of 'Sexy', Wu Zun thought of 'Best Friend', when mentioned 'Woman' he thought of 'Wife', he hopes that his future other half will be his best friend. Regarding relationship, he thought of promises, future, once he found 'the one', he will think of marriage, if he don't get married, he rather not have relationships.Able to accept one night stand but have to fill the stomach firstWhen faced with the heart-warming Philippines girls, someone was curious when fans request for one night stand, Wu Zun said he will not reject, but he request for the other party to feed him with food first, Wu Zun who is a food lover, never ends a sentence without food. Wu Zun and Calvin Chen are really good buddies, they even affect each other with their love for food, the night before, the 2 went to ate crab after finishing a day's work.
吳尊9年沒交女友,發出單身宣言,可以接受一夜情,但條件是要先帶他「吃到飽」!他開玩笑說:「等吃完應該都累了吧!」將性慾轉成食慾,沒時間談戀愛! 9年沒戀情 緋聞全推淨 9年不談情,吳尊等於全盤否認Ella、張韶涵及「尊Sa戀」,在菲律賓宣傳八大「公主小妹」,吳尊說:「本來就沒有,我不知道說了幾次了,每次都說『沒有』,沒人要信!」未出道前,他經營健身房,待在健身房的時間,一天近20小時,沒時間談戀愛,當偶像後,經紀公司不反對他談戀愛,吳尊卻說:「那也要有對象,還不知道呢!」
菲律賓宣傳,主持人、媒體好奇他的感情生活,提字聯想,提到「WOMAN」,辰亦儒想到「SEXY(性感),吳尊想到的是「Best Friend(好朋友)」,提到「女人」想到「老婆」,希望未來另一半也會是好朋友,對感情,他想到是承諾、未來,一旦認定一名女子,他就會想結婚,若不結婚,寧願不談感情。
接受一夜情 但要先吃飽 面對賓妹熱情瘋狂,有人好奇面對熱情粉絲主動示好要求一夜情,吳尊說不會拒絕,但會要求對方先帶他去「吃到飽」,嗜吃成性的吳尊,還是三句不離吃。吳尊、辰亦儒哥倆好,愛吃也會受影響,前晚2人結束一天工作行程,跑去大啖螃蟹。

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