Oh My God!
Oh My God~
Super Juniors is having a Concert at Bangkok on 12th July 2008.
NOW is the time for
Don't forget to bring all Banners with you. Let just say that "I WANT SUJU TO SEE ME!" That's what I would DO~ See It works on me mm~ Ha!
Hey~ I admit I am Nut when its come to SUJU who wouldn't [cute,sweet, handsome,OMG~ Somebody Stop Me!]
Here are the Information:
CONCERT DATE : 12 July 2008
PLACE : Impact Arena, Muangthong Thani, Nonthaburi
TIME : around 8 pm, door open 6 pm(compare with TVXQ! Concert)
TICKET : Bath 6000 (only 100 seats) , 4500 (sit and stand), 2500, 1500, 800
Seat Chart : No Seat Chart Announce yet, but the agency said that would be same as much as Korea Concert (but this place really big see hall chart below)
Selling : Start on 25 May from 10 am by True Shop, True Move Shop, True Life and http://www.weloveshopping.com/sj(the web'll active on 10 am, 25 May)
6 tickets per 1 time : The website need ID No. for register.
Other Benifit : MEET&GREET : for person who buy ticket from 25 through 27, 5 pm, there will be pick up by Seat no. at press conference. 30 grantees
2 tickets of Attack on The Pin-up boys : for person who buy 6000 bath, about the movie showing will annouce later
update! TRUE MUSIC SIMS : Call to 2222 by True Music Sims on 23 May from 8 am, the service will tell the discount(10%) code for buying ticket. Only for the first 100 lines. 1 user can buy 2 ticket.update!
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